For those that suffer with chronic conditions such as COPD one of the major symptoms that patients suffer with is fatigue and it is important to try and combat this as mobility and exercise is crucial to help curb the disease and its symptoms. Oxygen therapy has been shown to help combat fatigue as the additional oxygen getting into your blood stream will help to supply more oxygen to your cells to help them to function more efficiently and your brain and body in general will feel more alert and active. However if oxygen therapy does not combat your fatigue then eating carnitine-enriched foods or by taking carnitine supplements, could help to combat this.

Our bodies produce carnitine naturally in most of our cells from amino acids and it plays a crucial role in energy production within the mitochondria of our cells. It is thought that faulty mitochondria play a vital role in diseases such as COPD and that this may be the cause of the fatigue experienced by patients with chronic conditions as the mitochondria cannot perform its duties and one of these is to produce energy for the cell.

Carnitine transports fatty acids to the mitochondria so they can use it to produce energy and also helps to transport waste products out of the mitochondria to prevent buildup.

A lack of carnitine in our body could be due to a genetic problem or due to metabolic disturbances caused by disease but normally it is produced in sufficient amounts in the liver and kidneys. It has other properties such as being an antioxidant and fights off free radicals, which can damage the cells.

Supplements can be taken or there are foods that contain high levels of carnitine such as beef steak and other red meats, milk, chicken breast and cheddar cheese.

A recent study looking at the effect of taking carnitine when suffering from conditions such as COPD found that ‘these supplements can reduce significantly the fatigue and other symptoms associated with chronic disease and can naturally restore mitochondrial function, even in long-term patients with intractable fatigue.” Other studies have also shown that carnitine supplementation can help with blood supply problems, heart defects and attacks and Alzeihmer’s. Even athletes use carnitine supplementation to help improve performance and reduce muscle fatigue.





COPD muscle weakness and the importance of oxygen

It has recently become apparent that patients with COPD commonly suffer skeletal muscle dysfunction, which may be the main cause in the reduction in exercise tolerance.

COPD patients tend to reduce their levels of physical activity as it causes unpleasant effects and results in a vicious cycle where a reduction in physical fitness leads to further impairment of muscle function


Skeletal muscle dysfunction is very common in patients with COPD, and may play an important role in limiting exercise performance. Muscle strength and endurance are both decreased and the muscle is more easily fatigued. Muscle atrophy is largely responsible for the reduction in muscle strength but deconditioning is of major importance as well as nutritional depletion, and steroid use. COPD may also produce a systemic inflammatory response that may adversely affect skeletal muscle function.

Muscle strength is seen to be decreased in patients with COPD and particularly in the lower limbs. An important factor is muscle wastage; either through medical reasons or a lack of exercise due to breathlessness. Muscle endurance and the length of time the muscles can be used also decreases significantly. In biopsies the ratio of different muscle fiber types are altered in COPD patients and type IIa convert to type IIb, resulting in reduced muscle endurance, increased fatigue and a reduction in muscle mass. The number of capillaries within the muscle is also significantly lower in COPD patients as well as the number of mitochondria. Enzymes that are required for metabolism within the muscles are also decreased in COPD patients. This all results in less oxygen reaching the muscle cells and metabolism and function of the cells being adversely affected.

Medications such as steroids which are used to treat exacerbations can also cause muscle wastage. Short-course doses are beneficial to the patient but long-term multiple short-courses requires further study.

Malnutrition is also common with COPD where 35% are less than 90% of their ideal body weight. This results in a reduction in muscle mass and metabolic functions are disrupted. Nutritional supplements however are not a substitute for eating a balanced, healthy and high in calories food plan. Patients can tend to either put on weight from a lack of mobility or lose weight from the increased energy required to breath and a reduction in appetite due to the difficulty of eating and breathing with breathlessness and the need for constant oxygen supplementation.

Deconditioning from disuse is believed to be the major contributing factor in the skeletal muscle dysfunction observed in patients with COPD. When healthy individuals undergo a training program to increase fitness levels physiological and morphological changes are seen and results in muscle larger in mass with increased oxidative capacity and more efficient in its ability. From previous studies it was thought that COPD patients could not reach the same levels of increased muscle efficiency when undergoing the same training program. However studies have shown that a certain level of intensity and duration needs to be reached before the muscle will begin to improve.

Exercise training will improve skeletal muscle function in those with COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation is shown to improve endurance capacity and quality of life, however the type of exercise training should be further studied and bespoke personal exercise plans developed for individuals to to get the maximum potential from their exercise.

Oxygen therapy is provided for patients to help them to breathe but long-term oxygen therapy has been shown to help improve muscle function and metabolism. It also reduces the potential harm of deconditioning as patients on oxygen therapy tend to be more mobile and physically active as they benefit from the positive benefits of supplemental oxygen.

Muscles require constant use, a balanced supply of metabolites from our diet and oxygen in order to work efficiently. Studies have shown that oxygen therapy not only directly affects muscle function positively but it enables patients to be more physically active and exercise more frequently and for longer, which in turn reduces potential deconditioning and helps to build up muscle mass, strength and efficiency.




Working with COPD

COPD can have a devastating impact upon your personal life but if you are also aged 45-65 it can also have an even greater impact on your job.  Work-loss for COPD patients is not just due to COPD alone but also due to the other associated medical problems that coexist with COPD. Not being able to work has an impact on the rest of your life, from financial worries to personal fulfillment.


Results from a cross-sectional survey of 2,426 people with COPD living and working in 6 countries around the world (Brazil, China, Germany, Turkey, United States and United Kingdom) revealed the following:
•    80% were unable to maintain their previous lifestyle.
•    One in four felt they could not continue to care for their children or other members of their family as they once did.
•    One in five felt they had become a burden to family members and friends.
•    41% felt they could no longer plan for their future.
•    37% reported their income had dropped since being diagnosed.
However some people still manage to continue working until retirement. It depends on your job role; will it make your condition worse by continuing to work in that role or is there an option to change roles or career so that you can still work? If this is not possible then you can claim long-term disability which will give you some income.
If however you feel that you can continue employment then there are things that you and your employer can do to make your work life less of a burden on your disease. The employer will welcome that a few changes will help to ensure that you don’t take as many days off from work for being ill.

Here are just a few accommodations that employers can make that are not overly imposing:
•    Providing an accessible parking space that is close to the door.
•    Moving your workstation closer to the entrance of the building.
•    Allowing you to work from home at least a couple of days a week, if not every day.
•    Providing a smoke-free, dust-free, fume-free environment. This can even mean asking other employees not to wear heavy colognes or perfumes.
•    Providing adequate ventilation.
•    Allowing you a flexible schedule so that you don’t miss your doctor appointments or perhaps letting you come in later on certain days.
•    Giving you advanced notification of any construction work or cleaning that will be going on in your particular work area.
•    Allowing you to use a scooter or motorized cart to increase your mobility while in the workplace or to move from one office building to the next during work hours.
If your employer makes changes to help you then you must try to ensure that you are as productive as possible in return:
•    Doing everything you can to prevent COPD exacerbation. An exacerbation can cause you to miss more days of work, or worse yet, land you in the hospital. Frequent hand-washing, staying away from crowds and sick people and getting your vaccinations will all help.
•    Wearing your oxygen at work. Oxygen therapy helps prevent breathlessness, improves your mental alertness and increases your stamina so you can get through your work day. If you feel conspicuous with your nasal canula then there are oxygen glasses you can try or tracheal oxygen may be an option as you can hide the tubes with a scarf or a high-neckline top.

People with COPD are more likely to accept early retirement than those who do not have COPD and this can negatively impact your pension benefits and have a dramatic affect on your financial well-being, as well as that of your family.
Before deciding on retirement you should ensure you have explored with your doctor and your employer all possible avenues of adapting your workplace environment and tried different medications before giving up on work completely.  You can also talk to a financial adviser to see what else you could do to ensure that you and your family are well taken care of.


Oxygen could help in the battle against depression


In March this year researchers showed that rats exposed to high-altitude conditions exhibited increased depression-like behaviour. This study proved that hypoxia (low oxygen levels) is a distinct risk factor for depression in those that either live at high altitudes or suffer from COPD, asthma or who smoke.

The link between altitude and high depression rates and suicide is very obvious in the intermountain region of the United States where the rates are considerably higher than any other part of America. The region has earned itself the nick-name of the ‘suicide belt’.

Rats are not however subject to the same psychological and social pressures as people are and more research on humans would need to be undertaken in order to substantiate this link. Other risk factors are also important such as poverty, low population and psychiatric disorders. This study shows that this risk factor would be present with everybody who either live in high altitudes or suffer with a condition that results in a lowering of oxygen levels in your blood.

Hypoxia is thought to impair an enzyme involved in the synthesis of serotonin (a compound that contributes to happiness and feelings of well-being), resulting in lower Serotonin levels and leading to depression. Depression is normally treated with anti-depressants however ‘The Utah Paradox’ illustrates how drugs do not necessarily work in high-altitude regions, as Utah has the highest depression index and the highest use of antidepressants in the country.

The fact that both depression and suicide rates increase with altitude, where there are low oxygen levels, implies that antidepressant treatment is not adequate for those suffering from depression and as low oxygen is the main common factor in most cases, maybe this needs to be looked into as a possible new treatment for depression in those that experience low oxygen levels.

Significant improvements were demonstrated when schizophrenic patients underwent oxygen therapy and now they will try it out on sufferers of depression. Oxygen therapy is easy, non-invasive and safe so new research will trial it on sufferers of low and medium-level depression.

Researchers found that exposing psychiatric patients to 40% concentration of oxygen rather than 21% oxygen levels from the air, via a plastic tube is safe and effective and the patients functioned significantly better than those who inhaled normal air. Increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain will increase the function of mitochondria which produce energy in the cells. Poorly functioning mitochondria can disrupt the functioning of neurones and the electrical activity of the brain. Theoretically therefore raising oxygen levels inhaled by patients can improve psychiatric functioning, it now just needs to be proven. If it is proven to be the case then oxygen therapy could relieve depression symptoms in hours/days and weeks compared to antidepressants which can take months and years to take full effect. You wouldn’t be using medications but a natural substance, which is easy to use, cheaper and brings about results a lot quicker, reducing the likelihood of a potential attempt on life.



References: and

Oxygen could be the key to a cure for diabetes

With Obesity steadily increasing in the Western world, the number of people suffering from Diabetes has become grossly excessive and is on the increase.

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The treatment of Diabetes demands that the diabetic make drastic lifestyle changes. These changes can include: weight loss, rigid exercise programs and a complete restructuring of a person’s diet. Unfortunately many patients struggle to initiate and maintain these changes and find themselves being gradually and increasingly affected by damaging symptoms of the disease.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking itself and destroying cells in the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin and so it results in the body not producing enough. It can be caused by an infection, toxins or an autoimmune reaction. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by multiple risk factors including obesity, increasing age, poor diet, pregnancy and illness.

When there isn’t enough insulin or the insulin is not used as it should be, glucose (sugar) can’t get into the body’s cells and builds up in the bloodstream. Since the cells aren’t getting the glucose they need, they can’t function properly and the build up causes damage in multiple areas of the body, leading to many various diabetes-related diseases and conditions.

A new bio-material has been designed which has the capacity to spontaneously generate oxygen when it is exposed to water. This material allows oxygen to be released in the bloodstream in targeted or generalised areas increasing oxygen levels within the body and not relying on lung function. A major potential use of this material is that it can be used in transplantation and skin grafts. Normally when new cells are surgically placed it takes a while for the body to form a blood supply network to these new cells and many die off in the early stages. This material would allow an immediate oxygen supply and increase the chances of the organ or cells taking hold. In particular it would be beneficial for transplanting pancreatic cells as these require huge amounts of oxygen to survive and function. Successful pancreatic cell transplants would give patients with Type 1 diabetes the ability to produce their own insulin.

This however is still in its early days and much more research is needed before it can hopefully start treating those with diabetes. More and more patients are seeking out alternative and natural remedies to help treat their symptoms but it seems that oxygen therapy is often overlooked. Oxygenating the cells in your body is proven to have many positive health benefits and it has been found that it can aid in the prevention of several diabetic symptoms.

A main complication of diabetes is limb amputation due to a lack of circulation. Regular oxygen therapy has been shown to aid cellular oxygenation and healing, increasing the oxygen levels reaching your extremities to prevent cell death and helping to heal ulcers.

Diabetic patients are 3 times more likely to develop Glaucoma which can lead to blindness. Supplemental oxygen has been shown to ensure continued oxygenation to the eye and to relief the pressure that the fluid build-up can cause. Glaucoma is also difficult to spot until it is too late therefore taking supplemental oxygen can help to ward off this symptom before it’s too late.

Diabetes also weakens the body and its ability to self-heal and can affect the sensory areas of the brain. Many Type 1 sufferers experience symptoms similar to being under the influence of alcohol which can have a major impact of their day-to-day life. Supplemental oxygen has been shown to aid in nerve regeneration and general body repair and healing which can alleviate these symptoms.

Oxygen Therapy is an effective alternative treatment for diabetes and can be used as a method of prevention against certain debilitating ailments commonly experienced by diabetics. Talk to your GP about the possibility of being prescribed oxygen via the NHS or there are many private companies that can supply oxygen concentrators to you.

References: and and

Good bacteria could be the key to curing asthma‏


Asthma is caused by your airways being more sensitive to irritants and becoming inflamed, making it difficult to breathe. Cases are on the increase and one in every 11 children in the UK are now diagnosed with Asthma. One explanation for the rise in Asthma is the ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’, which has been discussed for many years. This suggests that children are no longer exposed to enough bacteria at an early age, which normally would help to build the immune system to be able to tell the difference between friend and foe bacteria. This results in the immune system believing that pollen and other triggers are harmful resulting in the airways becoming inflamed as the immune system attacks.

On the back of these discussions a team analysed the billions of bugs that naturally occur within the human body. Microbes, bacteria and fungi outnumber human cells 10 to one and this ‘microbiome’ is thought to be key to our health. They found that if there were four main groups of bugs missing then the risk of developing asthma was very high. The types of bacteria are faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, Veillonella and Rothia. The team looked for the presence of these bacteria in children aged 3 months and one year and then looked to see if they developed asthma by the age of 3. The lack of these bacteria in both age groups resulted in a high risk of developing asthma by the age of 3.

It appears that the first year of life is crucial and that the ‘right bugs at the right time‘ could be the best way of preventing asthma and other allergies. Exposing children in the first year of life to a wide variety of bacteria could help to ensure that their immune system is calibrated correctly and prevent later development of asthma.

Further experiments, which looked into the ‘passing down of immunity’ from mother to child involved giving a bacterial cocktail to mice who then had offspring with reduced inflammation in their lungs. Other suggestions involve the fact that giving birth by Caesarean section and not breast feeding may both limit the bacteria from being passed from mother to child and hinder immune system development.

Dr Marsland from Switzerland has been researching this area for a number of years and believes that diet, microbes and the first year of life are key in preventing or easing Asthma symptoms. He believes that a high fibre diet is important for keeping the gut healthy, as it is the delicate balance of gut bacteria in our bodies that affects our immune system and may play a role in asthma development.

However this is just a step in the right direction, more research needs to be carried out into these four types of bacteria, their role within the body and their relationship with the immune system and conditions like allergies and Asthma. If there is a direct link then new information could be given to new parents about exposing children to bacteria, a bacteria cocktail could potentially be created to be given to pregnant women or young children, there may also be a way of training the immune system at a later stage of development by introducing these bacteria to patients to try and cure or lessen their Asthma.

Scientists urge people not to run out and buy lots of friendly bacteria yogurt drinks and pro-biotic yogurts, as much more research is needed to ascertain the facts and details of what this discovery actually means for the larger population in real life. Doctors urge Asthma patients to continue with their inhalers, medications and oxygen therapy as prescribed, which all help to ease the symptoms.



References: and

The dilema of a smoker with COPD


Smoking is a main contributing factor to developing COPD and there has been an ongoing debate as to whether Oxygen therapy should be prescribed to patients who are still smoking.
The reasons that oxygen might not be allowed are because in the presence of oxygen, things (like oxygen tubing, facial hair, clothing) are much more flammable and patients have set fire to their heads resulting in serious burns and occasionally even death.
Oxygen therapy is delivered through plastic tubes that go up the patients’ nostrils. Quite a lot of oxygen comes out of the nostrils and effectively bathes the face, head and clothing. Patients have set fire to themselves when not smoking, for example lighting stoves, and one patient was killed when an e-cigarette exploded.
The tubes that the oxygen goes through are made of PVC which is quite flammable and releases highly flammable vinyl chloride gas when it burns.
There is no safe way to smoke when using home oxygen. Until patients quit, they can practice safer smoking. Should an individual need to smoke, it’s important to first turn off the tank, and wait 10 full minutes before going outside to smoke. This practice should decrease the amount of oxygen in the home and on the person. The best way for patients to protect themselves, their families, neighbours, and emergency responders is to quit smoking.
Oxygen is a fundamental requirement for life and therefore taking away oxygen from a patient who will die without it is difficult and perhaps immoral, bringing into consideration other aspects of smoking.
Smokers quite often blame themselves for developing an illness where they are a burden on their families and often feel anxious, depressed and guilty. Oxygen therapy provides relief from some of the anxiety, but sadly effective psychological support is often lacking and oxygen is a kind of substitute.
The benefits from reducing smoking, such as fewer deaths and diseases of the heart and lungs can be discounted by 0% to offset the loss in pleasure that smokers suffer when they quit.  For many smokers the fear of losing that pleasure from smoking and perhaps enjoying life a lot less is justifiable in perhaps dying sooner.
Patients are told not to smoke, but recent surveys show the percentage of home oxygen users still smoking to be between 14 and 51%. The use of a less combustible material for cannula tubing and a more efficient oxygen delivery system may reduce the incidence of such burns. Another suggestion would be labelling the oxygen cylinders with large stickers emphasizing the danger of smoking in the presence of oxygen.
In summary there are grave risks that COPD patients take if they smoke on oxygen therapy, such as a detrimental effect on health and disease progression and the risk of burns to themselves and others.  However many find that oxygen therapy and the continuation of smoking improves their quality of life, both from the benefits of oxygen therapy and the pleasure obtained from smoking. There is a debate as to whether the importance of a patient’s choice to choose how they live and die is outweighed by the possible risks and dangers to themselves and others.


Oxygen and brain damage


Most of us are aware that a lack of oxygen to the brain results in brain damage. However many do not realise that even low levels or a small period of time of oxygen starvation can cause brain damage.

•    Even though the brain makes up only 2 percent of the average person’s body weight, it consumes 20 percent of its oxygen.
•    For every minute that the body goes without breathing, the risk of permanent brain damage increases greatly.
•    After 5 minutes without oxygen, brain cells begin to die off.

Some lung conditions greatly affect the amount of oxygen that the lungs can absorb from the air we breathe and with low oxygen levels it can lead to the brain being slowly deprived of oxygen and possibly result in minor or major brain damage.  Early symptoms of this can be chronic headaches, hypertension or even a heart attack or stroke. Over time there may only be small changes such as memory loss, confusion, difficulty in walking etc. or more major changes such as blindness, personality changes, speech/communication problems or a reduced ability to think flexibly, work through problems or be able to learn new things.

Sleep Apnea is also a worrying condition, which many people with lung conditions suffer from as during the night you can stop breathing for periods of time, even though maybe only for a short while. However each time it happens the chance of oxygen deprivation to the brain greatly increases and also the risk of brain damage. If you feel that you may be suffering from this condition then visit your doctor and you may be prescribed oxygen to have at night to increase your oxygen levels while you sleep.

For those patients using home oxygen therapy it is very important to ensure that the equipment is working correctly and that the flow rate of the oxygen being supplied by the machine is also correct. It may be only slightly out and not make a noticeable difference to your breathing, however even a slight lowering of oxygen levels over time, if left unchecked, may result in poor health implications on your organs, general health and your brain function, especially if there are other health problems you suffer with that may impact upon your oxygen levels.  This is why it is important to visit your doctor regularly and be monitored as well as to check your equipment at home on a regular basis. Discuss with your doctor or equipment provider about alternative equipment or other accessories or indeed other easy natural ways that you can ensure your oxygen levels remain as high as possible during day and night.

References: and

How to get a better nights sleep

Sleep is fundamental to our health, a good night’s sleep helps us to think quickly, focus on tasks, gives us energy, we perform better, it is good for our heart, our moods and helps to maintain a healthy weight.

However when you suffer from a medical condition like COPD it can make sleeping difficult, which is even more important as not enough sleep can weaken the immune system, make you more vulnerable to infections and prevent the body from self-healing. This can result in daytime sleepiness and your health deteriorating, as it can prevent you from getting the exercise you need to help strengthen your heart and lungs.

Oxygen levels are already low in people with COPD and drop even lower at night. Your brain responds by waking you up periodically to catch your breath—preventing you from entering the critical, restorative phases of deep sleep that you need.


Common causes of sleep problems with COPD:

  • Sleep position: Many people with COPD find breathing more difficult lying down and try to sleep in a more upright position but sittung up makes it hard to fall asleep and to stay asleep.
  • Medications: Some prescribed drugs for COPD can keep you awake and others result in frequent bathroom trips which can disrupt your sleep.
  • Mental Health: COPD patients are prone to an increased risk of anxiety and depression which can lead to sleep problems.
  • Sleep-related breathing changes: When healthy people go to sleep your breathing slows and becomes less responsive to stimuli, however if you have COPD this can cause sleep disturbances.
  • Sleep Apnea: 10-15% of COPD patients also suffer from sleep apnea where your breathing is interrupted when you sleep. Sleep apnea can cause snoring, frequent awakenings and daytime sleepiness.
  • Acid reflux: More than half of COPD patients have acid reflux which can result in heartburn, causing you to wake up at night.

Tips for better sleep:

  • Adjust COPD medications: Your doctor may be able to adjust your medications so that you will sleep better.
  • Add oxygen therapy: Night-time oxygen treatment can sometimes make it easier for you to sleep. Equipment can be obtained via the NHS with a doctor’s prescription or through private companies.
  • Treat underlying infections: If you have an underlying problem, such as a respiratory infection, that is making it difficult for you to sleep, getting treatment can improve your rest.
  • Try sleep medications: Your doctor may prescribe a sleep medication that will help you sleep better.
  • Practice airway clearance techniques: Your doctor can teach you airway clearance techniques that may help you sleep better.
  • Use CPAP if you have obstructive sleep apnea. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices deliver a steady stream of air through a nasal mask you wear overnight.


General tips for anyone trying to sleep:

  • Reserve your bed for just sleeping and avoid watching TV, reading, or just lying awake in your bed.
  • Get out of bed if you are not able to fall asleep within 20 minutes and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy enough to go to sleep.
  • Avoid napping so that you will be sleepy at bedtime.
  • Get regular exercise, but not in the two hours before bedtime.
  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool.
  • Don’t drink caffeine in the five hours before you go to bed.
  • Keep a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking around the same time each day.



References: and

Oxygen could also help treat diabetes

It’s not often heard that diabetic sufferers use oxygen therapy, however it is becoming increasingly more recognised as a form of treatment.

Diabetics are more prone to many other medical diseases and ailments as a result of their condition. They have circulatory problems leading to sores, ulcers and amputation. They also suffer from many organ-related problems, obesity, nerve dysfunction, sleep apnea, eye degeneration and loss of eyesight among many others.
Diabetics usually have circulatory problems where the blood flow to bodily tissues is diminished and their arteries tend to thicken due to not being able to digest fats such as cholesterol very well because of their high blood glucose levels.  This is compounded by the fact that less blood is able to reach the tissue and therefore unable to deliver oxygen to them. Cells become oxygen depleted and can die off leading to gangrene and being unable to fight off infections.
Diabetics have to either inject insulin or radically alter their diet and lifestyle but many find this difficult to do or maintain and the disease can speed up in its progression. This can lead to other medical issues and the need for treatments and medications, exercise and close monitoring by your GP. The additional use of oxygen therapy can help a great deal to prevent serious complications from Diabetes.
Using oxygen therapy will help over time, since additional oxygen will be distributed throughout the blood vessels of the body, and reach your tissues and extremities, where people with diabetes often have the most problems.  If the oxygen levels can be kept high enough in the body then the risk is lowered that extremities will suffer tissue damage and organs become damaged and reduce the possibilities of further medical issues and complications. It has been shown to reduce fluid build-up in the eye and to prevent and treat eye sight problems such as glaucoma, which is largely attributed to diabetes. Many suffer from sleep apnea, partly to do with the tendency to put on weight when you are a diabetic. Oxygen therapy helps to relieve your symptoms at night and make you feel more energised and healthier during the day. There are links between oxygen therapy and a reduction in heart tissue damage from strokes and improved wound healing, such as with ulcers and a general improvement in circulation and a reduction in circulatory medical conditions.
The realisation that diabetics require additional oxygen in their bodies to counteract the poor circulation and the inability for oxygen to pass through thickened vessel walls. And that this in itself can help to prevent and treat many medical conditions associated with Diabetes has led to patients being prescribed oxygen therapy and studies have shown that supplemental oxygen does work and GP’s are starting to prescribe it more regularly, especially as the benefits of other oxygen therapy users such as COPD sufferers are so apparent.

References: and